Kazuhiro the Kanjozoku


I wrote the article earlier this year for my good friends at Fresh Produce and at the same time give a more in dept documentation about Kazuhiro and his time attack career. A lot of guys know him because of his underground exploits and the “Kanjo Culture” but this guy has a lot more to offer than street racing.

Kustom Kulture

A modified car always draws attention, whether good or bad.
There’s no real specific formula on how you should do it, a wide variety of customization is possible on a single chassis. Whether its a race car, time attack, hot rod, drift, stance, show car or full custom. Alongside these, you also get numerous comments from car guys of different disciplines.

For me, I know I did it right if I attract people who don’t really understand cars that much.


As I was going around the neighborhood I saw an old lady chatting with an owner of a peculiar looking car. I wasn’t eavesdropping but I heard words like “full custom” and “cool” thrown in the conversation.


The owner has a motorcycle shop called Brown Cherry Motorcycles in Umeda and is fondly called as Mr. Hara-san. He creates custom choppers with Harley Davidsons. The meek and shy Mr. Hara didn’t want to have his picture taken (which actually displays how humble Japanese men can be). I asked if I can visit his shop and take pictures too and he very much welcomed the idea.


I’m not really well versed with this kinds of cars so lets start with I know.
The engine is a Chevy 350 V8.
”San-Go-Zero” as Hara-san puts it.


The interior had a minimalist approach the seats didn’t even have cushion of any kind, but at least it has two cup holders.


Sorry if I wasn’t able to take pictures properly, but the awe inspiring machine and the colorful character of its owner has charmed me to appreciate this discovery just around the block.